Currently Showing Delhi Uinion Territory Level Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal
Data at Union Territory Level - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Delhi Jammu & Kashmir Lakshadweep Puducherry
Data at Regional Level - Eastern Hindi Belt North East Northern Southern Western & Central
Economy Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
- Number of Establishments and Persons Employed (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution by Type of Establishments, Percentage Share of States and Share of Rural Areas in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Employment in Proprietary Establishments by Religion of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Employment in Proprietary Establishments by Social Group of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Establishments by Size Class of Employment in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Distribution of Establishments by Size Class of Employment in Rural Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Distribution of Establishments by Size Class of Employment in Urban Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Distribution of Establishments by Source of Finance in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Ownership of Proprietary Establishment by Social Group of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Ownership of Proprietary Establishments by Religion of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Distribution of Proprietary Establishments by Sex of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) for Agricultural Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) for Non-Agricultural Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Administrative and Support Service Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Amusement and Recreation by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Education by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Financial and Insurance Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Human Health and Social Work Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Other Service Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Establishments Engaged in Real Estate Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Persons Employed in Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Persons Employed in Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) for Agricultural Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Persons Employed in Establishments (with at Least one Hired Worker) for Non-Agricultural Activities by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number and Percentage Distribution of Persons Employed in Establishments by Type of Ownership in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments and Persons Employed (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Rural Areas in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Establishments and Persons Employed (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Urban Areas in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Establishments by Major Source of Finance for Agricultural Activities in Rural Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments by Major Source of Finance for Non-Agricultural Activities in Rural Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments by Major Source of Finance in Rural Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments by Sector and Structure in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Establishments for Agricultural Activities by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments for Non-Agricultural Activities by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship Engaging Only Women by Type (without Hired Workers/with at Least One Hired Worker/Total) in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Handicraft and Handloom Estaiblishment (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Handicraft Establishments by Nature of Operation and Sector in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Handicraft/Handloom Establishments by Sector and Structure in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Handloom/Handicraft Establishments by Type (without Hired Workers/with at Least One Hired Worker/Total) in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed by Type (Hired/Non-Hired) and Sex (Male/Female) in Urban Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Agricultural Activities by Type (Hired/Non-Hired) and Sex (Male/Female) in Urban Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Establishments (with 8 or More Persons) in Non-Agricultural Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Establishments by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Establishments for Agricultural Activities by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Establishments for Non-Agricultural Activities by Nature of Operation in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Handicraft/Handloom Establishments by Sector and Structure in Delhi (2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Handloom/Handicraft Establishments by Type (without Hired Workers/with at Least One Hired Worker/Total) in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Persons Employed in Non-Agricultural Activities by Type (Hired/Non-Hired) and Sex (Male/Female) in Urban Areas of Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Women Owned Establishments by Size Class of Employment in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Women Owned Handloom/Handicraft Establishments and Persons Employed by Type (without Hired Workers/with at Least One Hired Worker/Total) in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Number of Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) Engaging Only Women by Type of Establishment (without Hired Workers/with at Least One Hired Worker/Total) in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Ownership-wise Distribution of Establishments in Delhi (2013)
- Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Establishments by Sector and Type in Delhi (2013)
- Percentage Growth in Total Number of Establishments (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defence and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) Employment in Delhi (2013)
- Percentage of Establishments and Persons Employed (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defence and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Delhi (2013)
- Percentage of Establishments by Type of Structure (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Delhi (2013)
- Percentage of Hired Workers and Female Workers (Excluding Crop Production, Plantation, Public Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Services Activities) in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number and Percentage of Establishments (with 8 or More Persons Employed) in Agricultural Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Total Number and Percentage of Establishments (with 8 or More Persons Employed) in All Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Total Number and Percentage of Establishments (with 8 or More Persons Employed) in Non-Agricultural Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Total Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneur by Major Source of Finance in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship by Nature of Operation in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship by Religion of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship by Social Group of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Accommodation and Food Service Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Administrative and Support Service Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Agriculture (Other than Crop Production and Plantation) by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Amusement and Recreation by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Construction by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Education by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Establishments (with 8 or More Persons) in Agricultural Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Establishments (with 8 or More Persons) in All Activities in Rural and Urban Areas in Delhi (2012-2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Financial and Insurance Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Fishing and Aqua Culture by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Forestry and Logging by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Human Health and Social Work Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Information and Communication by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Livestock by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Manufacturing by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Other Service Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Real Estate Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Retail Trade by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Transportation and Storage by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Whole Sale Trade, Retail Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Wholesale Trade by Sector and Type of Establishment in Delhi (2013)
- Total Number of Persons Employed in Women Establishments by Religion of Owner in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Distribution of Total Number of Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Number of Persons Employed in Establishments in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Number of Establishments for Non-Agricultural Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Number of Persons Engaged in Non-Agricultural Establishments in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Accommodation and Food Service Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Administrative and Support Service Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Agriculture (Other than Crop Production and Plantation) in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Arts Entertainment, Sports and Amusement and Recreation in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Construction in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Education in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Financial and Insurance Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Fishing and Aqua Culture in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Forestry and Logging in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Human Health and Social Work Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Information and Communication in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Livestock in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Manufacturing in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Other Service Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Real Estate Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Retail Trade in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Transportation and Storage in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Whole Sale Trade, Retail Trade and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments Engaged in Wholesale Trade in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments for All Broad Activity in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Establishments for Non-Agricultural Activities in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Persons Employed in Establishments under Women Entrepreneurship in Delhi (2013)
- Type-wise Total Number of Persons Engaged in Non-Agricultural Establishments in Delhi (2013)